Before I knew it, my mouth had opened and I'd said "sure". Why not? They might technically be a useful item, but if I'm not using them they are not. And do I really want to fill them up with more shoes? Ahem, no.
So they are both gone.
It was not a pretty sight. After three hours, I could not fit any more old toys/yucky books/old couch covers/who knows what else into my trunk. We didn't even try to attack the clutter on the desk that day, but we've been steadily throwing away and sorting out a little bit each day since then.
It's amazing how much better it looks right now and I notice that other staff members are trying to put things back where they belong now instead of just chucking stuff on a random shelf or piece of floorspace. Heh, now that there's an obvious space to put things back, it's a lot easier to do that.
3230 things gone.