Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tackling the Office

The shoe rack above was one of two I gave to my mother, who asked right out if she could have them. She mistakenly thought I was planning on giving them away because I'd set them down unused near a pile of things I was getting rid of.

Before I knew it, my mouth had opened and I'd said "sure". Why not? They might technically be a useful item, but if I'm not using them they are not. And do I really want to fill them up with more shoes? Ahem, no.

So they are both gone.

I've slowed down for a while getting rid of my own clutter, but part of the reason for that is I've been busy ferrying clutter from my workplace to the Goodwill. Terri and I spent part of our weekend recently tackling the Swirling Vortex of Doom that is our office/toy-storage area at the daycare.

It was not a pretty sight. After three hours, I could not fit any more old toys/yucky books/old couch covers/who knows what else into my trunk. We didn't even try to attack the clutter on the desk that day, but we've been steadily throwing away and sorting out a little bit each day since then.

It's amazing how much better it looks right now and I notice that other staff members are trying to put things back where they belong now instead of just chucking stuff on a random shelf or piece of floorspace. Heh, now that there's an obvious space to put things back, it's a lot easier to do that.
Other than that, I've been sorting out more old magazines and I managed to cull a bag of clothes from the closet in time for a charity pick-up.

3230 things gone.

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