Thursday, December 7, 2006

Heaps of Recycling and More Shredding

I have an area enclosed by wooden boards for recycling cardboard in my basement.
Small cardboard pieces go into a blue recycling bag and are put out on the curb for the local recycling truck to pick up every two weeks, but all the other cardboard boxes are tossed into a heap on this area where they have been steadily accumulating into an enormous heap for months.
Some of them I collected from the moving days of two of my friends--I put aside some of their sturdier, uniform-sized boxes for flea-market stock storage, and also a number of others of varying sizes in case I start selling things on Ebay again.
Well, I've still kept a few but I got rid of enough flattened cardboard to entirely fill my car's trunk (forty boxes worth) and took it a cardboard drop-off bin.
I've also almost filled another recycling bag with more shredded paper from the computer desk.
Jeff and I went through a few more drawers and some of the paper got refiled, but most of it got tossed. One drawer is almost completely empty.

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