Thursday, May 15, 2008

Posting Long Overdue

There are only so many hats and mits one girl needs. Also, recycling bags are a good thing but I don't need a bazillion.
My friend got a lot of use out of these befor winter ended....

So much junk in one kitchen drawer...

So much unnecessary miscellany...

These all came out of the Kitchen Cupboard of Doom ...

These things went bye-bye a while back, but I forgot about them. Might as well include them in the count.
Another 139 things gone. 3522 things gone.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Unbirthday Declutter

I had a wonderful time visiting two dear friends on our sleepover Unbirthday weekend--- a celebration about seeing one another instead of getting presents.

I also had an opportunity late that Saturday night (between fabulous dinner at the Cafe Brio and a Lara Croft action film) to put some seldom-used items up for grabs. If my friends wanted anything, they were welcome to it.

I brought hair clips, bath oils, herbal teas, a stainless steel soap dispender still in its packaging, kerchiefs, hairbands, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and silky little bags which are lovely but I never use them.

There was one bracelet which was a bit of an internal struggle to part with. It was made of beautiful luminous green beads and I bought it at a craft fair only a year ago as part of a set. I wear the earrings almost daily. But the bracelet? Gorgeous, but I think I wore it twice.

I was glad of my decision when I saw how pretty it looked on my friend Pol...

I also gave Pol my old glass coffee bodum as promised. I love the metal one I have and I'm quite sure it will be enough. :)

Hurray for friends to pass things on to!

(I must say that my dear friends often pass things the other way too---trading among ourselves has become a time-honoured tradition. I've received many clothes, shoes, and fabulous books over the years. It's like shopping for FREE!)

42 more things passed on. A tootal of 3383 things gone.

To the Restore! (and More)

So, luckily for us, Jeff's mom will lend us the truck now and then. About a month ago we made one trip to the Restore, that blessed Habitat for Humanity place that accepts old household building cast-offs instead of letting them go into the landfill. It doesn't matter if the items are dated, as long as they are in good condition.

To the Restore there went: two folding closet doors, two interior wooden doors within frames, an old bedroom light fixture from before renovations, and 14 green cupboard knobs. (19 items)

Alas, the old broom, a big broken tile, and a broom far past functioning were just garbage and have been languishing in a dark corner of the garage. No more.
Three sets of broken Christmas lights went too, and a clunky old television antenna from where-I-don't-know.
I also turfed two rotten garden hoses (I was storing them for a friend who has to live in an apartment but there are limits to the time I'm keeping them when they are useless to anyone--that's two years apparently.) (8 items)

To the Friends of the Library Donation bin travelled sixty (!) more magazines and a few children's books.

So sixty plus nineteen plus eight.....
Hmmm...this brings the new Decluttering total to: 3342 .

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, fortunately we didn't really get cluttered up over Christmas, or at least only minimally so.

This is the first year we've decided not to buy Christmas presents for each other because we simply couldn't thing of anything we wanted or needed. And that's hardly a bad thing.

A trip to India and Nepal is possibly on the horizon for next fall, but only if we can manage it financially, and we have to consider the possibility of spending a significant amount of money to repair our leaking roof.

So, now is not the time to let money dribble through our fingers buying unnecessary stuff.

In fact, this January is the time I've decided to start decluttering in earnest again.

This is the picture of the next 25 things: excess Christmas ornaments, a secondary phone we will never use because we already have three of them, and a whole assortment of unused games and software for the computer.

3255 things gone total since I started this blog. Time to start the New Year with some more things gone.